BBF Landscape Shooting with Drones
The use of drones is an essential part of BBF's shootings to expand our views to interesting perspectives.
BBF Clean Room Shooting
Shootings under extreme conditions: in clean rooms with protective suits, in extreme-cold conditions, in inaccessible places ...
BBF Campaign Portrait Shooting
Preparing special environments for film and photo assignments, coordinating dozens of teams and models.
BBF Kitchen Shooting
Camera movements are carried out with differet technologies.
BBF Corporate Portrait Shooting
Groups of people are particularly challenging: the goal is to bring different personalities in the right mood.
«To have an impact, you need to evoke emotions and feelings with your viewers. Youʼll work with our seasoned team of art directors, writers, editors, and retouchers and benefit from state-of-the-art equipment.  Shootings are well-organized to capture the best images in short timeframe with straight-forward logistics. Give us a call to find out more about our fresh perspective.»
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